Programas, Familias en Accion/Families in Action Programs

Familias en Acción les invita a unirse a nuestros programas en persona.

 Estamos localizados en el sur de Omaha en la 4112 S. 26th Street

Tenemos programas para mujeres y niños que incluyen: clases de arte, costura, ejercicios, actividades para niños, clínicas de salud y programas de bienestar mental. 

Join Familias en Accion for in-person programs.

Location: South Omaha: 4112 S. 26th Street:

Programs for women and children include: art classes, sewing classes, exercise classes, health clinics and mental wellness programs.

A Message from Our Directors/ Un Mensaje de Nuestras Directoras

Un Mensaje de Nuestras Directoras:

Las participantes del programa de Familias en Acción (FIA) son mujeres latinas que han trabajado incansable y creativamente durante más de una década para construir una organización inclusiva, diversa y acogedora. La declaración de nuestra misión, tal como la escribieron nuestras mismas participantes, refleja nuestros valores: “Unirnos como mujeres y familias para promover la salud, el bienestar, el conocimiento y ser modelos a seguir para nuestros hijos y la comunidad”.

Ser modelos a seguir tanto para los hijos como para la comunidad en general, ahora es más importante que nunca durante este momento desgarrador en nuestra comunidad y país cuando la injusticia racial y la desigualdad para las comunidades de color sigue siendo una realidad cotidiana; desgarrando el tejido social que debería unirnos. Debemos reconocer que el racismo es real. Hay más para aprender unos de otros. Hay mucho trabajo que hacer. Estamos aquí. Estamos escuchando. Estamos aprendiendo.

En FIA, nos comprometemos a solidarizarnos con las comunidades de color contra todas las formas de racismo y a denunciar las desigualdades raciales que nos afectan de manera persistente. También renovamos nuestro compromiso de elevar las voces latinas, para facilitar oportunidades de voluntariado que promuevan el aprendizaje intercultural respetuoso y mutuo. Los programas de FIA continúan siendo diversos e inclusivos donde las voces y visiones de las familias latinas y nuestra comunidad del sur de Omaha permanecen en el corazón de nuestra organización.

Juntos continuaremos haciendo el trabajo vital, humilde, importante y necesario para lograr la misión y visión de las familias participantes de FIA, el cuál es: un futuro seguro, saludable y vibrante para todos.

Adelante …

Lillian Miranda y Virginia McGill, Familias en Acción

A Message from Our Directors:

Families in Action (FIA) participants are Latina women who have worked tirelessly and creatively for over a decade to build an inclusive, diverse and welcoming organization. The mission statement written by FIA participants reflects our values: “To come together as women and families to promote health, well-being and knowledge, and to be role models for our children and community.”  

Being role models for both children and the greater community is more important than ever during this heart-breaking time in our community and country when racial injustice and inequality for communities of color remains a daily reality; tearing at the social fabric that should bind us together. We must acknowledge that racism is real. There is more to learn from one another. There is much work to do. We are here. We are listening. We are learning.  

At FIA,  we re-commit ourselves to standing in solidarity with communities of color against all forms of racism and to denouncing the racial inequities that persistently affect them. We also renew our commitment to lifting Latina voices, to facilitating volunteer opportunities that promote respectful and mutual cross-cultural learning, and to continue offering diverse, inclusive, responsive and welcoming programs where the voices and visions of Latino families (and by extension our South Omaha community) remain at the heart of our organization. 

Together, we will continue to do the vital, humbling and important work needed to achieve the mission and vision of FIA participant families: a safe, healthy and vibrant future for all.


Virginia McGill y Lillian Miranda, Families in Action

FIA Programs Update

Families in Action continues following state and national guidelines regarding preventive measures as related to the Coronavirus.

Currently, FIA programs are suspended until further notice. Until all FIA programs return, FIA supports our staff, team, volunteers and participants in following the recommendations of local and national health authorities as the best way for us to care for each other, our neighbors and our community.

FIA team members continue reaching out to families to check in and remain responsive during this time. Please connect with FIA’s Associate Director to update any contact information.

FIA’s team is posting regular information to Facebook; please check in for updated information.

FIA is also hosting free, weekly mental wellness talks (Mondays, noon) open to the community.

FIA is offering Free ” instructor led” remote zumba classes 6 times each week–morning and evening in real time using the Zoom app.

Regular mental wellness tips from participants are posted regularly to continue building on the community participant Vision Board, WRAP program and the Guia para la Vida Saludable projects until programs resume.

We look forward to resuming all FIA programs when appropriate and safe to do so. Our thanks, The FIA Team

Covid-19 Preventive Measure: At Families in Action (FIA), our highest priority is the health and well-being of the community and FIA participants, staff and volunteers. FIA’s team continues to monitor developments surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19). FIA regularly reviews recommendations from the United States CDC, local health officials and government agencies. Currently, FIA programs are suspended until further notice. FIA encourages families to protect themselves and others as recommended by local and national health officials. For more information on the coronavirus, please visit the USCDC coronavirus website: FIA will continuing reaching out to participants, as our employees and team continue to work remotely.

FIA Welcomes Associate Director

Our Families in Action Board of Directors and team is pleased to welcome Lillian Miranda in the role of Associate Director, Families in Action. Lillian brings a wealth of experience in mental wellness, community programming, and leadership. She is a certified WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) Facilitator; and a certified Mediator with the State of Nebraska.

An Experience with Families: A Volunteer Perspective

Families in Action has undoubtedly touched my life. Although my schedule has become exceedingly hectic with work and academics, I can truthfully say that my time volunteering has become the highlight of my week. It makes all the difference in my ability to reflect upon my week with a pure sense of joy and fulfillment.

Each week, I look forward to the precious time I get to spend with the beautiful children of the community and with the staff members of Families in Action, and each week I am reminded of the meaning of my life: to impact the lives of those around me in a positive way and to learn from them in the process.

Not only is it a stress relief from college life to run and play outside with the children, other volunteers and FIA adult leaders, but also, it continually reminds me of what I am most passionate about in my own life. It is easy to foster my desire to become a nurse by observing and participating in the health education that Families in Action provides, and even easier to integrate my desire to learn Spanish while conversing with Martha, Carmen or others on site.

However, for me the most meaningful part is the people who make up the program. Virginia, Gema, Alma, Consuelo, Irma, Martha, Kaela and the others in the community look out for each other on such a deep level. It is obvious how much the women and children care about each other as they go out of their way to welcome new guests and, as staff does, facilitate carpooling each week for those who do not have transportation.

There in an undeniable sense of community within Families in Action and I leave each week with a full heart knowing I am unbelievably lucky to be welcomed into such a loving group of people.

Ann T.

Omaha, Nebraska

Creighton University Graduate,

Bachelor of Science in Nursing